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Designer Jeans 1
Designer Jeans 1 by Peggy Layton
Multisized Patterns for Kids Bib Overalls
Multisized Patterns for Kids Bib Overalls by Peggy Layton
Multisized Designer Jeans Pattern For Baby and Toddlers
Multisized Designer Jeans Pattern For Baby and Toddlers by Peggy Layton
Designer Jeans 2
Desogner Jeans 2 by Peggy Layton
4 Book Special: All books written by Peggy Layton
4 Books By Peggy Layton
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Store Home > 4 Book Special: All books written by Peggy Layton
Cookin' With Powdered Milk
Cookin' With Dried Eggs
Cookin' With Beans and Rice
Cookin' With Potatoes
Purchase all 4 books and recieve a 15% discount for 43.59 (Regular cost of the 4 books 51.90)